est. 2009

Chotika, 11
She came to us on the same day as 11 other kids and we spent the first 48 hours trying to figure out what everyone's names were. It was a much harder task than it should have been. Her name was hard for us to say at first and Hannah finally just called her, Cho. It stuck. More than two years later, our precious Cho barely resembles the child who arrived that day.
Her Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
This beautiful child witnessed the death of her mother and it left scars the depths of which we've barely begun to discover. But it certainly caused her to guard her heart and while she's always been friendly, it took months of patience and prayer to see her open herself to us. But when God begins a work, He brings it to completion.
What we've found is a child who has layers and layers of personality. She's silly and serious. Diligent and procrastinating. Open and yet reserved when a situation demands it of her. In many ways, she's wise beyond her years and while she sometimes pushes her little sister, Sumita, to frustration by picking on her, she'd also face a giant on her behalf.
Cho is one who is faithful to pray and to ask for prayer. It didn't take long for her to realize the God we were telling her about wasn't from a fairytale but was Someone she wanted to have near.
She's learning to play piano and, while it isn't coming easy to her, maybe the greatest lesson she'll take from the experience is the perseverance it requires to do hard things. Something tells me she'll learn her lesson well.