est. 2009

Phot, 14
Phot arrived a little angry, and a lot scared, in April of 2022. He came with his two younger sisters, Chia and Lao, and stood as guardian and protector over them for a good long while until we had earned his trust. He still watches over them but has settled more into the role of being a brother than a parent. He's gifted in many ways, but he doesn't yet see it.
His Story
Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.

October 2024 Update
When the kids were gifted with instruments, Phot chose guitar and he has logged many, many countless hours of practice. He plays like someone who has been learning much longer than he has and he gets a glint in his eye when he shows up at my desk to ask if he can borrow my computer again to watch another tutorial. Loaning him my seat is paying off because God is blessing him with the gift of music and he's playing at worship now.
School is out (for the mid-term) which is fine with Phot because he'd prefer not to go. He's bright and talented but he doesn't believe it and he shies away from participating in anything that might make him feel inadequate. We keep encouraging him and there's definitely progress. God is softening the hard shell of this stoic boy.
The leader of the boys, they often look to Phot for their cues. And while he's been known to push the limits himself, he's quick to call the other boys to obedience. He has the kind of smile that works its way to your heart and he never partakes of a meal that he doesn't then walk around to hug and thank every adult for providing him. He's also a gentleman who won't stand by and watch a lady carry something heavy or open a door with full arms. We've seen him literally sprint across a span of ground to come offer a helping hand when he noticed a need.
He's been very cautious about determining what he believes about God. He doesn't buy everything he's sold and, in many ways, that's a good thing because there's a lot of people selling of lot of bad stuff. But he's admitted to believing God is real because he's seen how He's taken care of us. If you think of it, pray for this sweet man child. All the pieces are in place for him to become an influential missionary to his own people because of his leadership qualities ... he just has to make the decision that's the kind of influence he wants to have.