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Bifern, 12

She's as colorful as she is quirky. She came three years ago and none of us have been the same since. Bifern brings something uncommon to the table and it's hard to put into words. 

Her Story

Each child's story is their own to tell so we share only the parts that are appropriate. In time, we believe the testimony that God is giving them is something they'll share to help and encourage others. Until that time, we will share those things which aren't too deeply personal but will still give you insight into the hearts and minds of these young people God has sent to us.


October 2024 Update

Fern showed up, quite unexpectedly, with two of her cousins, Kwan and Paet. We had almost no notice any of them were coming and when she got here she was a whirlwind of emotion, tears, hopefulness ... and despair over the food we serve being a bit healthier than she preferred. It was a wild ride. 


She's stubborn and set in her ways but I've been around long enough to know stubbornness can be an incredible asset in this crazy world ... if it's well utilized. She's not easily swayed, she seldom tries to graft herself into the status quo, and she blazes her own trails. 


Bifern is a good student with a creative mind. She often helps us at family worship by reading aloud and she does so in a bold, clear voice. It's been fun to watch her go from adamantly refusing to do anything up front to agreeing without hesitation. 


She's learning to play the piano along with a group of the other girls. 

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